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On April the 6th
Prince Rainier the third of Monaco died at the age of 82.
The restricted traffic area in Athens is instituted in an effort to fight traffic jams and pollution.
Music group, ABBA, win the nineteenth Eurovision Song Contest for Sweden with their song : Waterloo.
Racial related riots erupted in many US towns, following the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
The United States declared war on Germany.
The north pole was reached for the first time by an expedition led by American explorer, Robert Edwin Peary.
Opening of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens. The games had been banned 1500 years before by the Roman emperor, Theodosius the first.
American outlaw, Butch Cassidy, was born in Utah. He was one of the most notorious train and bank robbers of the old west era.
Sir Francis Walsingham, spymaster of Queen Elizabeth I of England and one of her closest confidants, died in London, England. He was 60 years old at the time.
Italian renaissance painter and architect, Raphael, was born in Urbino, Italy.
Oldest solar eclipse on historic record.
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