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On May the 18th
The United States Department of Justice and 20 US states filed an antitrust case against Microsoft for abusing monopoly power.
Charlie Chaplin's body was recovered after it was stolen 2 months ago. It was stolen by a Polish man and a Bulgarian accomplice who intended to extort 400,000 UK pounds from the Chaplin family for its return.
Completion of the Warsaw radio mast is completed. It was the tallest man made structure at the time. It was 646.38 meters (2,120 feet) tall, it collapsed on August 8, 1991, due to a mistake in the replacement of the support wires.
Pope John Paul II was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla in Wadowice, Poland. In his youth he was an athlete, actor and playwright and eventually came to speak over 12 languages. He was ordained a priest on 1 November 1946. He became the 264th Pope in 1978.
The Earth passed through the tail of Halley's Comet.
Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed Emperor of France by the French Senate.
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